6 Reasons San Jose Leads the Way in Printed Circuit Board Design

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6 Reasons San Jose Leads the Way in Printed Circuit Board Design

Everything from drones to toys to space vehicles relies on printed circuit boards today. These integrated electronic components that were once the domain of computers, large appliances, and aerospace industries, are now critical components of everyday life:

  • GPS navigation systems
  • Automotive vehicles of every type – even more so in electronic vehicles (EVs)
  • Voice-response assistants that make life easier
  • Industrial automation and robotics
  • Communications equipment from smartphones to IoT doorbells and home security systems

With the enormous demand for printed circuit board (PCB) design and manufacturing, Silicon Valley and San Jose have emerged as proven leaders in the industry, focused on advanced design that supports new technologies.

San Jose PCB design services and electronic engineering have adopted strategic methodologies and best practices that provide customers with reliable designs and consistent functionality.

1. Collaboration

Board level design in San Jose engineering facilities begins with effective communication with clients to obtain an accurate understanding of requirements.

Utilizing online tools to review designs and test results ensures that the end product is developed as a joint effort, with questions answered quickly and efficiently before the manufacturing process begins.

This saves both time and expense in development and testing, speeding the entire product development cycle and ensuring quality results. Effective communication gets design projects started quickly. Collaboration keeps the project flowing smoothly.

2. PCB Design Services – Continuous Advancements

San Jose electronic engineers keep abreast of emerging technologies to provide circuit designs and PCB layout that adhere to best practices and use quality, approved components.

Technologically advanced products such as foldable laptops are only made possible through the efforts of skilled engineers who combine creativity with expertise in electronics. PCB design is continuously evolving with such technologies as:

  • Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology
  • Multi-layer PCBs with increasing complexity in the number of layers and manufacturing processes
  • Narrow-band IoT (NB-IoT) adoption in devices such as industrial controls, medical devices, and home security systems

As new technologies expand, PCB layout and PCB design services must allow for growing concerns related to security, battery life, weight, and cost.

3. Technical Methodologies

San Jose PCB design engineers utilize the latest available technology in designing and developing PCB prototypes and finished boards. Methodologies such as laser-drilled microvias, new substrate materials, available miniaturized components, and PCB manufacturing processes are critical factors in the design and construction of complex PCBs.

Efficient printed circuit board projects require following a set of standards in every phase of engineering and development:

  • Initial definition of requirements
  • Solving PCB layout challenges
  • Setting test conditions and acceptance levels
  • Building the initial prototype
  • Ensuring electrical and signal integrity
  • Complete testing and evaluation
  • Validate design for manufacturing adherence
  • Delivery and acceptance of the end PCB product

4. Focus on PCB Quality and Reliability

IoT and technologies such as narrowband communications call for unique testing and validation procedures. Meeting quality standards and providing consistent performance require multiple test iterations under a multitude of conditions:

  • Temperature variations
  • Electrical interference
  • Vibration impact and tolerance

Each of these variables means PCB design engineers must consider all these factors during initial design, creation of PCB prototypes, and manufacturing.

5. Design for Manufacturing

The most immaculate and impressive PCB design that functions perfectly as a prototype may prove worthless if the final PCB layout or components are difficult or cost-prohibitive to manufacture. Board level design in San Jose includes close attention to manufacturability and cost constraints for clients.

Design for Manufacturing (DFM) ensures that initial design and prototypes will be suitable for manufacturing, whether in small volumes at specialized facilities or in large quantities.

Utilizing sophisticated software tools and best practices in PCB design significantly reduces the potential for costly redesigns, budget overages, or manufacturing defects caused by overly complex PCB design.

State-of-the-art CAD systems go a long way toward eliminating such issues late in the project, through the use of design for manufacturing (DFM) technology. The earlier in the PCB design process that such problems are discovered, the less costly it is to resolve them.

6. Services

Development of printed circuit boards in San Jose includes providing a full range of PCB services:

  • Concept review
  • PCB design services and architecture
  • PCB development and prototyping service
  • Software and firmware development

Silicon Valley and San Jose offer full-service engineering, effective teamwork, and innovative product design. From concept to finished product, technical engineers work with clients in many industries from toy manufacturers to defense contractors.

Established in 1990, SunMan Engineering has engaged and assisted over 1550 leading technology companies in successfully completing over 1664 product development projects to date.